January 2020

Q5: tell us a fact about yourself

We asked our speakers, volunteers and organisers: would you tell us a little-known fact about yourself?

Cennydd Bowles

London-based designer and futurist. @cennydd.

I used to play chess to a good standard: I once drew with an International Master (one down from a Grandmaster).

Relly Annett-Baker

Lead volunteer, content wrangler. @RellyAB.

I’m studying a Masters in crime fiction at Cambridge University and I write children’s crime fiction in my spare time. And I love to recommend books.

Helen Joy

UX & UR consultant and diversity and inclusion champion. @LittleHelli.

In my first job working for Future Publishing, I ended up randomly modelling biker leathers for Fast Bike Magazine. It didn’t inspire to me be a biker, though. 13 years later and I’ve still never been on a motorbike.

Akil Benjamin

Biologist turned design thinker. @akilbenjamin.

Bring me pineapples, I will forgive almost anything.

Laura Kalbag

British designer and author living in Ireland. @laurakalbag.

I’m the oldest of five children and it explains all of my personality.

Bastian Allgeier

Creator of Kirby CMS. @bastianallgeier.

I’ve been a guitarist in a SKA band for more than 20 years. My first gig was when we opened for Manfred Mann’s Earth Band. I was scared as hell. I had only one guitar solo during that gig, and that’s when my amp broke down. Good times!

Tatiana Mac

Independent American designer. @TatianaTMac.

I studied piano for 15 years.

Geri Coady

Designer, illustrator, NA organiser. @hellogeri.

I designed The Cure’s official MySpace page in 2008. Now, if only it was acceptable to have MySpace profiles in your portfolio...

Simon Collison

Designer, writer, NA organiser. @colly.

I went to art school and after graduating I began to find success as a conceptual artist — before all this web business distrated me. My first proper residency was in Iceland, a whole glorious Summer back in 1998 when it was mercifully free of tourists. I made lots of friends and totally fell for the place, returning so many times I’d feel homesick when not there.

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This article was commissioned for our January 2020 magazine. Like it? View all articles, grab our RSS feed, and subscribe to our newsletter.