January 2020

Q4: What gives you hope?

We asked our speakers, volunteers and organisers: what gives you hope?

Extinction Rebellion at Oxford Circus. Photo: Simon Collison

Helen Joy

UX & UR consultant and diversity and inclusion champion. @LittleHelli.

People. Over time I’ve learned that when things get tough, people who offer support are the most valuable thing you can have in life. I’m eternally grateful to have a number of amazing friends and family who have helped me through tough times and who I know will always be there for me.

Akil Benjamin

Biologist turned design thinker. @akilbenjamin.

They finally found a buzzword to put their money where their mouth is, “Embedded Ethics”. Now they’ve worked out how to make ethical practises attractive I’m interested to see if it can change design patterns worldwide. It’s already started; just depends on its impact now.

Relly Annett-Baker

Lead volunteer, content wrangler. @RellyAB.

My kids and their friends. That whole generation. They haven’t got time for pandering to old ways and old ideas. They want to save the planet and if we let them they will, and maybe they’ll save us too.

Tatiana Mac

Independent American designer. @TatianaTMac.

I try to give myself hope every day. In the face of much hardship, I’ve been able to use my privileges to resist my oppressions, for myself and then for others. Hope, with depression, can seem like a contradiction. Hope lives in small spaces for me — when someone thanks me for something I wrote, when I see TV shows with queer people of colour where they get to be full characters, when I see a ‘skip to content’ link on a popular website, when I see someone help a stranger.

Bastian Allgeier

Creator of Kirby CMS. @bastianallgeier.

I find hope in the current climate change movement. It’s inspiring to see the dedication of teenagers and young activists that keep on fighting, even though the world around them rapidly changes for the worse. There’s hope when I see how people from all generations join them and start to wake up. Change is possible and political activism can work. We only have to look back in time to find great examples.

Laura Kalbag

British designer and author living in Ireland. @laurakalbag.

That humans are capable of change.

Cennydd Bowles

London-based designer and futurist. @cennydd.

The climate resistance movement.

John With Beard

Trusted volunteer. @johnwithbeard.

Speakers and attendees at New Adventures.

Simon Collison

Designer, writer, NA organiser. @colly.

I’m fond of this line from a 2018 Real Life editorial: “When young people receive old ideas, they find the inconsistencies.” We’re witnessing this in all kinds of ways right now because the systems we’ve grown up with seem totally at odds with a world in peril. To understand the future, we have to understand the power and determination of young people.

Geri Coady

Designer, illustrator, NA organiser. @hellogeri.

Gen Z and younger. I wish I was that switched on when I was that age.

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This article was commissioned for our January 2020 magazine. Like it? View all articles, grab our RSS feed, and subscribe to our newsletter.