The New Adventures newspaper

Just like the main event, the second issue of our paper packs plenty of opinion. Within the pages you'll find in-depth interviews, unique contributions, and much more besides.

Of course, it contains some conference-specific info (which we think you'll find useful when you watch the forthcoming free videos), but with the interviews and contributions we think it's too good to be enjoyed by only 650 people.

New Adventures newspapers

Contributors and contents

  • Introduction from Simon Collison
  • Interview with Frank Chimero, Denise Jacobs, and Trent Walton
  • Interview with Dan Mall, Cameron Koczon, and Travis Schmeisser
  • Interview with Naomi Atkinson, Ben Bodien, and Robbie Manson
  • Commissioned illustration by Christoph Rauscher
  • Commissioned typography centrefold by Alex Fowkes
  • Messages from sponsors, including a couple of special offers
  • Conference schedule, speaker profiles, topics and more
New Adventures newspaper 2012 edition preview


New Adventures newspapers

Why are we selling these?

This small charge helps us cover the design and production of the paper, plus digital storage and distribution, and the sheer expense of organising the event. Plus, it's nice to share.

Credit and thanks

Thank you to all of the contributors for allowing us to distribute their work, and to Relly for the eagle eyes. Our gratitude also goes out to the wonderful sponsors. Last but not least, enormous thanks to Oliver for his commitment to this project and his skills in newspaper layout and production.

Download Now completely FREE!

Yes, that's free. You also get the original 2011 issue of our newspaper included with your download, because we're nice like that.


You're downloading an 8.5mb zip file containing two PDFs. That's all you need to know, really.

No paper copies?

Paper copies are not available to purchase directly this year. Last year it proved to be a huge undertaking and also pretty costly to ship around the world. If you really want a copy, please contact us and we'll see what we can do.

Usability note

Note that as this is a small newspaper, the PDF pages are a little larger than traditional screen PDFs and books. Thus, some zooming is required on smaller screens.
